The Trash People


romenuntrash.jpg Keith of The Temas Blog mentioned this world-roaming trash art show in a comment last week, but for those of you who may have missed it, check out these people sculptures made from recycled materials and photos of said trash armies installed around the world.

Romans seem to love The Trash People. The spectacle opened on the first day of Spring and has already received one million visitors. Yahoo! has a slide show.

5 Responses to “The Trash People”

  1. kimberly Says:

    Wow. Really. I am not sure why these are so amazing to me – yet. But they are.

    Did I catch that right they are coming to NYC in 2007?

  2. everydaytrash Says:

    That’s what the web site says, but Antarctica is also on the list so I’m not holding my breath—crossing my fingers, though.

  3. ruby re-usable Says:

    Those trash people are so amazing! I read about them in Smithsonian magazine a few years ago.

  4. kimberly Says:

    I want trash people ALL over NYC, like The Gates (not Bill and Melinda) were all over Central Park a couple of years ago, but for good. One, only for the sheer aesthetic scale, but really, for the symbolism.

    I would hope that NYC is more likely to get trash people than Anarctica! Perhaps that is just the spoiled New Yorker in me speaking.

  5. Reblog: WebUrbanist on Trash Art « everydaytrash Says:

    […] some old favorites, like the miraculous silhouettes made from trash shadows to the world renowned trash people to street art made from trash. But there are some new (to me at least) discoveries in there as […]

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